Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My penned lines


Glowing skin
Shiny hair
Hearty cravings
Agonies to share
What they see
They talk about
Their own tales
Or other's bouts
What do I need?
Listen to me
Support and cheering
A friendship tree
Imagine sometimes
Oh, so small kicks
Or tiny sighs
As the clock ticks

Enjoying the feeling
As the days go
Don't like the changes
Hard to stop the flow
Husband's excited
Will be a great Dad
Planning all things
Is his next fad
Waiting to see you
O, baby of mine
Don't you be scared!
Mama's fine!

In-laws or Outlaws

Need a wife for my son
Rich she should be, and so pretty
Fair and slender,
Also may I say, mighty witty.

I like to be known;
Know those with fame
Small, tiny lives
Beneath the mindframe.

Don't care for your minds
Your opinions and feelings
Live by my rules-
Luxuries, fancy trimmings.

Simple cannot impress me
Truth doesn't faze
Two-faced lies and hypocrisy
Love to live in the haze

Search for one so good
For my son needs a mate
I will get rid of the present one
Put a better on his plate.

A Lost Identity

When you see this,
I may not be here
not because you haven't given me anything,
you gave me all that you could.
But I have to go
coz I have lost myself.

Lost myself in picking up,
cleaning, dusting and arranging.
Life has become a series of tasks
day in and day out.

I need to find out
who I am, what I am,
what life is all about,
seems selfish and crazy.

But tell that to someone
who doesn’t know what to do
if left alone completely
for a day or so.

Till I think of myself as
someone's wife or mother
sister or daughter,
I disown myself.

I have to find the lost being
whom you fell in love with,
the one who had dreams and aims
and not only the duties ahead.

Questioning myself
my inconsequential existence,
asking relentless questions
I need to find answers about myself.

Only then shall I return
from the lees of my life,
as an entity, a whole person
knowing my true identity.

Phantom Lover

Fantasy man
with a guitar
on a hill.
He has a spur
astride a horse;
huge and black
rode away
without remorse!

I waited and waited and waited.

A Summer Evening

A cool light breeze,
locks of black tresses,
a white muslin scarf
and a wisp of a lass.
Traces of the sun
vanished from the sky.
A glorious evening;
a pleasant hour;
a long minute
before the night dies-
all revelations at night
with eyes sparkling bright
as I sit under the starry night!

Soul Mate

How do I know your heart's desire!
Echoes as it also in mine;
Completed thoughts, unvoiced songs,
wants, needs: same all time;
so, you are my soulmate.

Oft as I would take you my own;
I also gave all of what I own,
Nothing sacred was with me-
To be kept for posterity.

My love wasn’t what you saw;
saw the tantrums and whims
They were just my impulses:
feelings spontaneous from within.

Nothing ventured nothing have;
You did not want a folly;
But our trysts did not cease
though you were quite pally.

The love that drew me shining near
had vanished without a trace
did not want to ask myself
or your ideas to brace.

Desperation caught me fast
could see a fancy wouldn’t last.
With no quivering response from you,
my love lost all its hue.

Now and then, I still do think
About life's crazy twist.
When I wasn't looking for one
tossed a soulmate in the run.

'Twas hard but caught hold of him,
just to be pushed out from the rim.
Cast adrift, no anchor;
Sailed for days and nights galore.

Knowing that the port I want to go
Is not the one that one would row, no!

Manipulated Threads

Twisting threads
bound at the end;
tied up in knots
we cannot mend.

Also the bond
between me and you
is frayed and worn-
unlike when new.

Charmed as I was
by your manner,
saw with rose-tinted glasses
games for you: thought it was care.

The knots grow tighter
Do they know the fare?
The threads are still twisting,
are they about to tear?

Perfect is not right;
troubled, tense maybe-
But if this twisting goes on;
this bond would no longer be.

A Lone Soul

Riding on waves,
amidst sparkling waters,
seeing thru’ the railings
was a lone soul.

Under the bridge,
by the sidewalk
seated on a bench-
'twas me, musing on the whole

No moon, just the clouds;
concrete hills on the side
halogen shining
high up on the pole.

Sudden shouts, party songs,
a happy boat whizzes by,
with a soulful melody in the heart-
the lone soul walks by.

In the still of the night

In the still of the night;
The keys clicked away
Though not steadily,
A glance now and then,
At the hands of time:
Stopped the flow
Of the words on the screen.

Wanting to leave,
But not just yet;
Let me finish this page-
Then I am done.
Told myself again and again,
As if trying to hold off the inevitable-
Waiting impatiently.

Rushed for a cab, didn’t find any.
Oh! Where’s one when you need one?
Cheated an old acquaintance-
Told him a tale:
My friend’s in grave danger-
Please take me there.

He raced with the wind;
Took me to the apartment
Without further ado.

Opened the door;
Flew into his arms;
And was flooded with
A much-anticipated heat
Uncoiling in the pit of my stomach.

Spent the whole night
Cuddled up tight - being kissed all over.

The sun rose- spreading an awareness;
Shame and guilt ganged up on me.
Crawled away with hunched shoulders
To work and an agonised conscience.
Till the sun sets and the story starts over all again.

All for a nap!

Clicking chipped nails,
tapping her heels-
all but danced her way
to the lab.

Opened her bag;
searched for the purse-
Where are my keys?
frowning won’t help.

Called up her friend;
dragged him out in the cold-
"I need to work today;
I have to so much to do".

Soon, she had the mechanic,
an emergency helper, her friend
and many others trying to get her in
through the closed doors.

Creaking, croaking the doors open,
Hallelujah! All applauded.
The drama over - all went back.
She stepped in with a big smile.

Shrugged out of her coat,
wore her glasses,
brewed some coffee
and opened the book.

Wanting attention
I went up to her;
curled up in her lap;
asked her to scratch my neck.

Hey! What's that?
Such a big noise.
What monster is hiding in here?
might scare her.

She didn't scratch my neck.
No, she didn't play with me either,
and so I found out:
The monster was her snoring.